Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hair Bow Holder {Wall Frame}

Anna’s basket of hair accessories on her dresser was overflowing, and each time I searched for a matching accessory, I made a bigger mess or couldn’t find what I wanted. I’ve seen so many cute hair bow holders online {Pinterest} and so I attempted to make my own.

I went to the local thrift store and found a frame for $3.00.  While I would have liked a more ornate frame, this one fit the size I wanted and I knew it would be easy to drill through and staple.  I was at Michael’s and in their seasonal bins, I found 3 pink crystal looking butterfly drawer pulls and two votive holders to help create the look I was going for and was excited that they were all a dollar a piece.  I went to the local hardware store and purchased some one inch chicken wire. I happened to get an email for 50% off of an item under $30, so the roll of wire ended up being just under $5 and I have plenty left over to make more for gifts or use for other projects.

Frame I found at a Thrift Store $3

Tealight Holders to use as small baskets to hold small clips, pony tail holders, etc

Drawer Pulls - to hang headbands
Anna’s room decorating continues to evolve and I knew that I wanted something bright.  I decided to paint the frame a bright blue so that the hardware I found would ‘pop.
Frame painted Blue

 3 holes were drilled on the bottom of the frame for the pulls to serve as hangers for the headbands.  The two votive holders were screwed to the side to serve as holders for small barrettes that don’t easily clip to the wire.  The wire was cut and stapled to the frame and 2 hangers were add to the back. 

Basket & Drawer Pull screwed to the frame

Chicken wire cut to size and stapled to the back

Finished bow holder on the wall

I’m pleased at how the project turned out and for just around $13.  

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